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My apologies, but this approach is very Anglocentric. At the end, I describe how you can use regular expressions to find mnemonics in another language. You can jump ahead to:

Sending Timing Receiving Prosigns Punctuation Digits Regular expressions


When I was in the army, I always thought it would be a good idea to learn Morse code; I tried but I never did. Many years later, I revisited this problem, and there are two issues with many of the teaching techniques: they are overly complex or obfuscating, or they do not allow quick recall. This is likely the fastest and easiest aide-mémoire/mnemonic for learning how to send: you can learn Morse code in less than half an hour (you can start sending in a few minutes), and you will retain more of the codes for letters longer than any other method, because you need only remember one short word with each letter: no long phrases, odd pictures of dots and dashes superimposed on letters or awkwardly stressed words.


The technique: Letters that go above the midline (ascenders) or below the baseline (descenders) represent a dash (i.e., bdfghjklpqty and all capital letters), while all other (short) letters (i.e., aceimnorsuvwxz which includes 'i') represent dots. Now, associate a word like "dam" for 'd', so the Morse code for 'd' is – · ·; its that simple: visualize the spelling of the word and read off the code. Once you are told "yell" represents 'y', then you will never forget – · – –. You can personalize this, as there are many options (e.g., "duo" or "doc"), but this is what I came up with initially: 


  A   at

  B   bean

  C   Cate

  D   dam

  E   e

  F   cafe

  G   gym

  H   ears (from "ears hear")

  I   is

  J   edgy ("ed-jee")

  K   kit

  L   else

  M   MM (2000)

  N   No (as in Dr. No)

  O   OPP (Ontario Provincial Police)

  P   apps

  Q   plaq

  r   rye

  s   sea

  t   T (as in Mr. T)

  u   ump (as in umpire)

  v   vamp (as in vampire)

  w   why

  x   text

  y   yell

  z   Zhou (a Chinese dynasty)

What is nice about this approach is that it can be easily personalized, as there are often many words that are appropriate, so the ones above are the ones I learned with, but here are others. Whatever you do, however, write down the alphabet, and pick one word per letter for yourself. Then, never refer to either of these tables again: you don't have to memorize all of these, and that will lead to confusion. Instead, pick the word that you think is most memorable and stick to that. If I had to do this again, I'd pick the ones in red, bold and underlined, but recall that I'm born and live in Ontario (OPP).

  A   at ah ad

  B   bean base born bear bass

      beer bone boss burn beam

  C   Cuba Cate

  D   dam die den duo dim doc doe

  E   e

  F   wifi cafe info safe wife sofa

  G   gym

  H   ears (from "ears hear")

      honor ('onor)

      house ('ouse)

  I   is in

  J   ijkl edgy

  K   key kit kid

  L   else also

  M   MD MM MP

  N   No (as in "Dr. No")

      Na (sodium)

      Ne (neon)

      Ni (nickel)

      No (nobelium)


       (your parent yelling at you)

  O   OPP 

       ("Ontario Provincial Police")


       (the brand, good with "No!")


       (object-oriented programming)

  P   apps

  Q   plaque Iqal'uit

  r   rye

  s   sea son see six saw

      six sum sir sin

  t   T t

  u   usb ump url

  v   void very void vast vamp

  w   why

  x   text foxy

  y   yell

  z   Zhou (a Chinese dynasty)

      Whiz (as in Cheese Whiz)

What differentiates this technique from others is that once the word is memorized, the translation from the word to the actual code is visual: you simply need to visualize "text" to know that the code is for 'x' is – · · and "gym" to know the code for 'g' is – – ·, to give two examples. This allowed me to be proficient at sending, at almost 20 words per minute within a day with a little practice. There are oddities, such as 'f', 'j' and 'q' and 'h', but they are in the significant minority, and not entirely unmemorable: the pronunciation of "else" for 'l' starts with the name of the letter.



If we represent the time it takes to signal a dot as 1, then the length of a dash is 3. The time between the dots and dashes of a single letter is then also equal to 1 and the time between two letters in the same word is 3. The time between two words is 7.


Unfortunately, learning to receive is more-or-less impossible with the above approach, or any of of the method meant to learn how to send. To learn to receive is much more work and requires both time and practice. This begs the question: why learn to send and not receive? First, the vast majority of people will never use Morse code in their life, so it may simply be a novelty to learn how to send or necessary for the appropriate Scouting badge. The above mnemonic makes learning Morse code really easy compared to any other technique. If you are an avid hiker or perhaps enjoy boating, then if you're worried about getting into a dangerous situation where you need help and where you may need to communicate to someone else, perhaps using a flash light, then while SOS is probably most useful sequence of Morse code signals, if you are signaling to an aircraft or to another boat or another individual on the other side of a valley, there is a chance the individual may know how to receive more Morse code than just SOS, so you may be able to get more information transmitted than just "help." If nothing else, the receiver will likely realize you are signaling Morse code, in which case, an indication that something is probably wrong, so if it is an emergency, remember to repeat SOS, even if you are trying to pass on additional information. However, if you are an avid hiker or boater, then perhaps you should consider learning how to receive Morse code so that you can receive a message like ···· · ·– ·–· –   ·– – – ·– –·–· –·– or –··· ·–· ––– –·– · –·   ·–·· · ––·

To learn to receive, you must simply become attuned to ··· becoming interpreted by your mind as an 's' and ·–· as an 'r'.

Consequently, here is a progressive sequence of letters to learn being with only four simple letters, and then adding one more letter at a time. With each new letter:

  1. dozens if not hundreds of new words that use only the currently introduced letter together with previously introduced letters are listed,

  2. sentences or phrases are given that use only the letters that have been learned to that point,

  3. useful military abbreviations are provided for practice, and

  4. words that contain the new letter and have the same number and order of dots and dashes are listed.

When you are receiving, you may have to write down the letters you hear initially. Use either a pencil and paper, or some app. It is unlikely that you will initially recognize full words, so it will be difficult to make out the words as you write down the letters. Over time, you may start to recognize specific words, such as – ···· · (the), just like everyone recognizes ···–––···, but this will take time. Make sure you can send and receive at least a few sentences before you proceed: don't just learn to recognize the letters. This works the best if you have someone you can work with: you can send to them, and they can send to you. The long lists of words ensures that if two persons are helping each other, there is a lot of choice available. Of course, always start with the shortest words, and the most common words (listed first are articles, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, etc.). 

Please note, this is my own technique, found using lists of English words and phrases, regular expressions and gvim, so you can either jump to a letter:


or begins as follows:

1-4. Learn all four letters containing only dots: 'e· ("e"), 'i· · ("is"), 's· · · ("sea"), and 'h· · · · ("ears"). Next, try sending and receiving any of the following words:

  I is he hi eh see his she

Okay, I'm Canadian, eh? Hence my inclusion of what is really a non-word...

Note that we can append "-s" to conjugate verbs:

  • I see

  • He sees

  • She sees

You can now begin to construct sentences:

  • I see.      ··   ··· · · 

  • She sees.   ··· ···· ·   ··· · · ···

  • He is his.  ···· ·   ·· ···   ···· ·· ···

  • She is.     ··· ···· ·   ·· ···

These sets of words have the same sequence of five dots:

  • is he eh see


5. Add to this the letter 't ('T') and try receiving any of the following words:

  it its the this these

sit tie tee site set hit test teeth sheet thesis

As before, we can append "-s" to pluralize nouns as well as conjugate verbs:

  • sheets       

  • ties

  • tests

Later, you will be able to append "-est" to make superlatives.

Later, you will be able to append "-ist" to indicate a person associated with a particular action, practice, system, philosophy or trait.

You can now continue with these sentences:

  • She ties this.  ··· ···· ·   – ·· · ···   – ···· ·· ···

  • He ties these.  ···· ·   – ·· · ···   – ···· · ··· ·

  • She sits.       ··· ···· ·   ··· ·· – ···

  • He sees this.

  • She sees these.

  • She hit this.

  • He set the site.
  • This is his thesis.

  • This is his test.

  • It is his thesis.

  • It is his test.

  • This is his site.

  • This is his tie.

  • She set the tee.

  • She sees its teeth.

  • The test is set.

  • It is this.

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • this these


6. Add to this the letter 'm– – ("MD") and try receiving any of the following words:

I'm me him them

met miss mesh mess time item meet seem stem theme

Some of these words can be pluralized or conjugated by appending the ending '-es':

  • misses

  • meshes

Later, you will be able to append the ending "-ism" to represent a practice, system, or philosophy.

You can now continue with these sentences:

  • This item is his.
    – ···· ·· ···   ·· – · ––   ·· ···   ···· ·· ···

  • She met him.

  • He misses him.

  • This is me.

  • She hit him.

  • He misses his items.

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • miss mesh 


7. Add to this the letter 'o– – – ("OPP") and try receiving any of the following words:

to so too some most those

hot toe mom home shoe host shot hose memo shoot smooth sometimes

The letter 'o' allows us to add our first superlative: "hottest".

You can now continue with these sentences:

  • He is the hottest.
     ···· ·   ·· ···   – ···· ·   ···· ––– – – · ··· –

  • She misses him the most.

  • This is home, too.

  • Its so hot.

  • Those, too, miss this this the most.

  • Mom has hot shoes.

  • I'm a host to them.

  • Sometimes I see him, too.

  • I sit at home.

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • too mom 


8. Add to this the letter 'a· – ("at") and try receiving any of the following words:

a at as am has that same that's

eat ate ham ash sat aim tea hat sea mat

east mass math ease hash team heat atom seat hate meat mate

eases oasis oases heath state asset taste steam shame

asthma tomato estate assist tattoo

tomatoes estimate

You can now continue with these sentences (don't worry about punctuation for now):

  • I ate a tomato.
    ··   ·– – ·   ·–   – ––– –– ·– – –––

  • That's it.

  • She ate ham.

  • Heat the meat.

  • Steam the tomatoes.

  • Taste the tomatoes and meat.

  • The oasis is at the sea.

  • Aim at the hat.

  • Estimate the time he ate.

Some military phrases:

  1. AMMO

  2. ASST

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • I'm eat

  • sit sea

  • seem hat seat

  • him heat

  • them that


9. Add to this the letter 'n– · ("No" as in Dr. No or nobelium or No!) and try receiving any of the following words:

in on an no one non not than into then mine onto none someone

man men net inn son ant tan tin ion sin ten ton
name main teen note sent mean seen soon nose noon tone moon nine thin mint tent hint nest neon
month sense stone anime noise meant mason satin onion shine
season nation motion moment senate tenant notion intent honest
station session mission instant mention antenna intense tension enemies
maintain omission entities emission intimate
statement attention assistant animation amenities intention testament
assessment annotation estimation nomination

Note that the longer words are added for completeness and as challenging examples; however, if you're just starting out, focus on the common words and the shorter words (say, up to five letters).

Humorously, one may note that some words currently can only be received in the plural; e.g., "entities".

You can now continue with these sentences (don't worry about punctuation for now):

  • No one.

  • That's nonsense.

  • This instant.

  • No one other than him.

  • Not into the tent.

  • She's seen animations.

  • Maintain the teen's attention.

Some military phrases:

  1. EN

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • ate an 

  • tea net

  • tin teen

  • toe on

  • mate man

  • site sin seen

  • non note

  • theme than

This is the last of the letters represented by two dots or dashes. We will now proceed to look at those letters that are represented by three dots or dashes. We will look at the letters in order of approximate frequency in the English language. 


10. Add to this the letter 'r· – · ("rye") and try receiving any of the following words:

or are her hers nor more here near other others their theirs there either neither another

art air arm sir era ran ear tar rim rat
area room rare rise iron hire root term hair tree rate norm tear rest rent hear rose rain star sort trim mars earn rear hero harm tire horn tier hart mere trio
start store three north enter share short heart error earth horse motor shirt smart train minor ratio meter storm raise treat inner honor arena shore toner reset arise tries trash manor sheer merit armor marsh
series street rather artist matter reason master mother senior entire remote martin resort stream sister marine remain manner easier stress mirror insert threat stereo horror throat sensor herein terror strain retain arrest marina roster hammer mentor resist
stories monitor eastern entries theatre theater transit seminar monster senator restore interim heather theorem hormone retreat terrain
interior internet interest northern minister semester memories theories mistress maritime rotation roommate marathon mattress transmit
treatment terrorism resistant northeast terrorist retention insertion arthritis
retirement transition mainstream interstate harassment
orientation restoration territories termination

The letter 'r' allows us to append words with '-er' to create a comparative, such as "nearer", "easier" and "shorter"; and to describe a noun that is the the process of performing an action "timer", "reader", "heater", "starter", "trainer".

You can now continue with these sentences (don't worry about punctuation for now):

  • More than that.

  • I ran here and there.

  • I hear the stereo.

  • O Romeo, Romeo!

  • T'is neither here nor there.

Some military phrases:

  1. STR

  2. RTN

  3. INSTR


These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • inn ear 

  • aim rat

  • ran rate

  • nine tire

  • mine mere

  • her sir

  • trim treat

  • main meter

  • ash rise

  • hash series


11. Add to this the letter 'd– · · ("dam") and try receiving any of the following words:

do and had did end does don't inside

add red aid die dot mad dad den rod sad odd dam doe rid dim
date data read need said made send side road hard hand head done edit mind mode idea door dead diet hide ride dean node dish demo dear seed sand dose tend reed mood hood deer raid dirt shed tide dare dash doom dome
order media radio trade third death stand heard tried dream ahead dress drama modem trend radar aside stood admit amend donor shade drain dried dense
thread domain method editor modern demand random indeed hidden dinner attend header desire donate desert indoor median denied redeem tender intend strand remind render maiden
address edition disease instead diamond married distant madness mandate
standard addition resident disaster disorder diameter moderate donation reminder dominant remedies handmade
determine amendment immediate moderator admission radiation tradition dimension remainder
destination demonstrate endorsement
administrator determination demonstration

Many of the above verbs can be conjugated to the past tense by adding "-ed"; however, so can many of the previous verbs we have already seen:

died rated named noted shared stated sorted started estimated mentioned interested maintained

Here are some more sentences:

  • I'm married.

  • Diamonds are hard.

  • I'm not married.

  • No harm's done.

  • There's no need to ... .

  • It doesn't matter.

  • The road is sanded.

  • There is a method to his/her madness.

Some military phrases:

  1. DIR

  2. IDENT



These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • are end     

  • the die

  • team do

  • red aid

  • nest diet

  • nine tire need

  • name doe

  • rid reed

  • then deer

  • has side

  • amend attend

  • does dose

  • dried denied


12. Add to this the letter 'g– – · ("gym") and try receiving any of the following words:

go get got goes gone among right going doing gotten amongst against nothing something

age ago dog gas tag egg dig gem gig
good high sign game song ring gear edge gene gain grid gate gang hang drag sage gore rage goat gage
great image again night range might green thing agent grand grade stage grant agree gamma eight genre tight giant gross ridge roger dodge ghost tiger sight grass manga gnome grain organ anger thong digit merge
design garden region engine degree strong string target orange manage damage origin height gender agenda regard dragon garage digest ignore danger regime margin engage genome gather assign magnet reggae dosage ranger
message storage morning tonight strange massage imagine ongoing segment insight teenage integer diagram trigger grammar arrange
register together mortgage straight marriage strength heritage engineer generate midnight disagree drainage nitrogen endanger
agreement messenger diagnosis generator migration aggregate registrar integrate nightmare
management generation strategies assignment engagement strengthen regression irrigation
integration immigration arrangement imagination designation negotiation

Many of the above verbs can be conjugated (made into the continuing form) or made into the gerund by appending the ending "-ing"; however, so can many of the previous verbs we have already seen:

rating naming noting sharing stating sorting training starting

Here are some more sentences, again, ignoring punctuation:

  • Good idea.

  • Great idea.

  • She's right.

  • I need to go home.

  • They're going home.

  • I'm dog tired.

  • Go straight ahead.

  • Hang in there.

  • Right here or there.

  • That's right.

  • That's not right.

  • Is this right?

  • That's a good one.

  • Good night, Good night!

  • I am a man more sinned against than sinning.

Some military phrases:

  1. GR

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • meet get   

  • meat gem

  • mine mere gene

  • mean gate

  • dean dig

  • dome dog


13. Add to this the letter 'u· · – ("usb") and try receiving any of the following words:

us our out use ours must sure under ought around during outside through throughout

sun run due gnu gun sum rug nut mud mug
user true auto unit turn drug tour menu hour huge thus suit dust rush drum hunt hurt shut tune hung dude guru urge
south house guide hours human users issue audio sound union round guest trust suite mount truth mouse route guess usage mouth sugar guard audit humor nurse tough rough outer gauge argue tumor minus tuner serum surge trout
return author august status amount though enough nature mature summer ground ensure medium studio museum minute guitar hunter suites assume resume router taught summit tissue murder sought sunset turner tongue autumn radius immune assure sodium runner aurora sudden nudist genius urgent Saturn trauma hunger
student studies thought outdoor minimum amateur serious suggest tourism measure gourmet tourist genuine routine torture stadium tuition statute reunion sunrise thunder surname trustee tsunami mustang runtime surgeon auditor
students mountain southern graduate argument daughter numerous duration thousand guardian attitude sunshine unsigned treasure stunning gorgeous moisture enormous surround titanium momentum generous thorough
institute situation guarantee nutrition signature dangerous southeast treasurer thesaurus miniature magnitude summaries
understand restaurant industries tournament instrument automation understood suggestion graduation indigenous humanities tremendous greenhouse
institution authorities outstanding measurement underground

Here are some more sentences, again, ignoring punctuation:

  • I understand.

  • He doesn't understand.

  • She's sure.

  • I'm not sure.

  • Is that enough?

  • I see the sun and moon.

  • That's enough.

  • Turn right.

  • Shut out the rain storm.

  • Thunder and lightning.

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • its us

  • ease use 

  • tier due 

  • hate sun 

  • ham sum 

  • taste true 

  • gig gun 

  • game mug 

  • gnu menu

  • merit must

  • tiger tuner

  • heart hurt

  • dream drum

  • sheer issue 

  • door tumor 

  • sight sunset

  • radio audio 

  • hammer summer

  • rough enough


14. Add to this the letter 'w· – – ("why") and try receiving any of the following words:

we was who now how own with what when were want went whom down where whose within toward whereas without whether

new two war win saw won row raw wet wow wit
news show west word town wide wish wine wood wind wait snow wire wear grow draw warm twin wing ward wise wash wage dawn drew grew swim worn weed worm ware
women water white write words woman shown award owner wrote wrong worth waste sweet aware width tower worst throw worse drawn grown swing arrow weird sword wheat wider twist newer renew wrist wound wagon
window weight growth answer winter writer wonder winner shower narrow shadow wooden wright wisdom reward thrown washer
windows weather written western wedding awesome witness warrant somehow swinger warrior worried nowhere
hardware tomorrow downtown somewhat hometown hardwood
otherwise awareness northwest warehouse shareware southwest somewhere underwear statewide watershed
nationwide housewares warranties
Westminster groundwater

Here are some more sentences:

  • I want this.

  • I don't want that.

  • She doesn't want it.

  • Where is west?

  • He's under the weather.

  • We're snowed under.

  • Weather the storm.

  • Waste not, want not.

  • Where is my new suit?

  • When is your wedding?

  • Shoot the arrow.

  • What's done is done.

  • What's in a name?

  • Who dares do more is none.

Some military phrases:

  1. WNG O

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • ate an we 

  • ant wet

  • nut new 

  • add were wine weed

  • write waste 

  • great grew 

  • among woman 

  • throat throw


15. Add to this the letter 'k– · – ("key") and try receiving any of the following words:

ask kit ski ink kid oak
work make know take week kids mark risk king kind took skin dark task rank disk desk knew seek tank kiss wake weak duke mask hook trek knee geek sink hawk keen knit
think works taken known thank drink maker smoke trunk drunk skirt snake shake shark token stake
thanks strike worker seeker knight market stroke intake marker remark
network kingdom unknown weekend mistake artwork workout
trademark undertake

Here are some more sentences:

  • I know.

  • He doesn't know how to use it.

  • She thinks it tastes good.

  • We knew where we were.

  • Take it outside.

  • Take this sideroad.

  • This works.

  • It takes two to tango.

  • Where is your homework?

  • That does not work.

  • How's work going?

  • I'd rather not, thank you.

  • It's ok.

  • We're okay.

  • To make matters worse.

  • It takes one to know one.

  • Haste makes waste.

  • The market is going down.

  • It was Greek to me.

  • Thou art not so unkind as man's ingratitude.

Some military phrases:

  1. ATK


These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • hart sink 

  • trend kind 

This is the last of the letters represented by three dots or dashes. We will now proceed to look at the balance of letters, all of which are represented by four dots or dashes. We will look at the letters in order of approximate frequency in the English language. 


16. Add to this the letter 'l· – · · ("else") and try receiving any of the following words:

all let will also like well last alter while until along although

law old low log lot oil led leg ill lie gel sol lit mil lid
list mail real line long link sale look less sell tell gold land talk else girl loan lake html loss held lost role logo lead male late tool hill deal hold hall wall rule told lord lots goal sold oral wild walk load soul null roll dual dell toll slow hole salt lane kill lose soil lens mile slot milk rail dial till seal lets mall glad solo tall mill sole laid silk meal doll lion tail lawn lung tale isle slim dale glen nail loud tile wool mild hull reel lean halo mold idle gale idol weld heel glow sail lone lime
would email world links hotel total small title shall still tools learn large model legal light least adult deals whole later lower allow glass trial metal steel older alone limit solid Latin laser hello alert rural ideal wheel angel trail slide lodge shell solar lease alarm usual angle eagle skill smile moral elite loose atlas alien grill salon laugh motel lemon salad drill guild medal elder alias smell steal alike dealt realm whale align
online health should little single seller result island annual rental middle length letter almost animal larger retail normal longer unless manual detail module listen league leader mental dollar golden delete signal handle ladies dealer miller tailor serial dental linear outlet kernel alumni lesson legend holder lounge mutual walker wealth latter diesel unlike silent analog talent herald killer toilet salmon whilst dialog shield relate tunnel reload inline roller slight allied stolen lender gentle aerial settle lesser denial helmet wallet hostel needle walnut ladder hollow turtle neural willow
general digital English release similar million natural regular leather initial install element earlier enlarge smaller leisure illegal outlook airline trailer willing thermal illness unusual outline minimal wrestle mineral neutral elegant renewal soldier assault luggage shelter martial shuttle eternal smilies modular lawsuit lighter toddler mileage realtor emerald delight endless missile mailman toolkit
language national download original material wireless regional solution internal religion lighting lingerie ultimate relation sterling terminal memorial tutorial aluminum deadline shoulder tramadol dialogue handheld roulette seasonal struggle untitled retailer wellness railroad integral reseller mainland triangle oriental latitude homeland rational headline timeline highland homeless gasoline salaries likewise thriller
downloads knowledge worldwide galleries guideline satellite essential religious wholesale editorial utilities household stainless algorithm elsewhere emotional alternate Halloween slideshow eliminate threshold translate highlight meanwhile lightning alignment isolation aluminium gentleman longitude
additional newsletter industrial resolution literature multimedia regulation settlement simulation regardless enrollment sunglasses litigation limitation millennium withdrawal wilderness legitimate likelihood delegation translator insulation
traditional residential translation legislation testimonial intelligent dimensional legislature enlargement shareholder lightweight nutritional stakeholder elimination
installation illustration instrumental
international institutional

Here are some more sentences:

  • I don't like it.

  • She doesn't like him.

  • I'll take it.

  • You'll go home right now.

  • Nothing else.

  • Tell me.

  • Don't tell him.

  • You'll tell her.

  • That looks great.

  • I'm alright.

  • A long time ago.

  • Long time no see.

  • Its all right.

  • That's the last straw.

  • Hitting the nail on the head.

  • A little learning is a dangerous thing.

  • I'm allowed to talk to the witness.

  • He who laughs last laughs loudest.

  • Loosing my religion.

  • Run like the wind.

  • All that glitters isn't gold.

  • Melted into thin air.

  • A little more than kin, and less than kind.

  • All the world's a stage.

  • There's daggers in men's smiles.

  • When shall we three meet again?

  • In thunder, lighting, or in rain?

  • Lend less than thou owest.

Some military phrases:

  1. ALT

  2. DML


These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • edit lit  

  • rid reed led 

  • run leg late 

  • gel mil 

  • lid line reel

  • lean lime 

  • ride lets 

  • read lane 

  • mind meal 

  • hire heel

  • hide isle

  • sure seal 

  • ill steel 

  • asset list

  • entire all 

  • tell nail 

  • green glen

  • later Latin letter

  • marine mall 

  • null detail 

  • trustee kill 

  • legal legend 

  • general mineral


17. Add to this the letter 'c– · – · ("Cuba") and try receiving any of the following words:

can such each much which since across including concerning

car act cut cat ice arc ace cod cow mic
code case care call card cost come cart cell once rock tech chat cash came nice cool race core cold rich inch disc icon cast lack acid cent cook crew lock rice echo scan cute neck luck cake deck sick rack kick coat mice coal cord corn coin cure arch sock cant duck calm lace cite clan acre hack cult cage acne dice dock cork
click music could local check class stock march court cards child color track close costs watch clear cross score cause match dance coast scale clean canon chair crime count claim creek touch magic chain reach chart truck ocean scene clock cream occur coach logic stick lunch catch const twice teach grace cache comic crown crack actor crash hence shock thick cater chest clerk trace crowd cloud acute carol stack camel chase sauce charm ranch cheat cloth cargo cedar chose clone stuck coral chaos chess canal trick screw uncle chick sonic disco witch scout tract elect lance colon crest knock choir crude
search school center access change source course credit select action second recent social create notice common record direct choose camera church income screen casino career client choice custom cancer secure cities charge sector switch chance actual doctor reduce corner column attack secret static ticket soccer scheme cruise census circle launch cotton cancel chosen decide muscle crisis castle cinema caught ethics commit oracle cheese ethnic glance arcade closer clinic rescue casual clause locate socket struct recall cookie decade encode candle critic hacker atomic attach sacred chrome scroll anchor cattle struck detect strict decent collar racial rocket trance locale arctic cheers cooler metric chorus gothic schema wicked tackle italic scenic nickel accent unlock garlic cannon circus cement cradle cursor scared
contact section current control account content include college article science medical comment schools welcome central council records tickets license certain machine culture channel kitchen classic command success catalog teacher musical connect auction correct discuss counter nuclear conduct contain clothes circuit generic climate alcohol concern organic ancient concert carrier enhance consent contest chicken romance cartoon charter console lecture genetic collect counsel cluster coastal outcome charger chronic scanner licence consult stretch cleaner cricket decline creator tracker suicide logical costume ethical cottage locator ceiling crucial recruit ceramic calcium silicon silence cuisine radical curious courier closure attract succeed terrace scratch essence stomach cashier carries consist sticker caution courage tactics scholar chassis decimal magical miracle cardiac numeric declare concord descend enclose glucose erotica indices tractor
research comments location children customer director district calendar resource document economic discount increase continue clothing decision consumer contract schedule medicine distance academic consider electric agencies critical clinical commerce cultural chemical congress merchant election domestic criminal criteria checkout creation chairman instance accurate audience indicate guidance historic constant alliance catholic cellular magnetic counties concrete accident reaction contrast sentence athletic incident decrease recorder romantic entrance occasion announce acoustic cassette cosmetic distinct scenario surgical citation outreach necklace electron showcase dramatic nickname mechanic innocent cordless circular interact artistic detector colonial indirect educator sandwich doctrine conclude metallic reliance musician discrete molecule disclose restrict creature cocktail
education insurance committee technical countries condition selection statistic structure character recommend challenge classical direction associate strategic reduction recording automatic chocolate clearance encourage candidate catalogue classroom calculate molecular residence mechanism detection hurricane cartridge introduce childhood coalition collector container assurance orchestra outsource discharge criticism indicator ecommerce connector inclusion authentic commander logistics addiction societies identical architect realistic scientist construct incorrect ordinance numerical consensus tolerance delicious encounter chronicle cigarette thickness centuries checklist induction incidence allowance criterion conscious holocaust cathedral economies electoral colleague enclosure communist crossword continent
categories conditions discussion collection commercial commission electronic connection assistance disclaimer historical electrical recreation healthcare accordance curriculum commitment consistent securities democratic continuous contractor calculator resistance mechanical consultant controller conclusion instructor attachment structural disclosure medication attendance correction attraction allocation diagnostic constitute relocation discretion coordinate widescreen technician consortium ecological indication geological occasional researcher adolescent occurrence currencies chancellor constraint
accessories association electronics educational maintenance communities agriculture interracial instruction mathematics recognition transaction merchandise interaction directories statistical recruitment coordinator communicate continental declaration destruction theoretical calculation enhancement cholesterol renaissance circulation correlation restriction accommodate distinction acknowledge commodities concentrate secretariat restructure conditional
construction introduction technologies architecture intelligence agricultural circumstance constitution consultation intellectual commissioner announcement commonwealth mathematical coordination recreational cancellation intersection dictionaries
communication accommodation documentation miscellaneous consideration consolidation concentration architectural instructional technological congressional semiconductor consciousness accreditation contamination
discrimination authentication constitutional recommendation reconstruction characteristic

Here are some more sentences:

  • They're coming soon.

  • I'm cold.

  • I need a change of clothing.

  • Let me check.

  • Take a chance on me.

  • That's too much.

  • Turn right at the crossroads.

  • I couldn't agree more.

  • It's around the corner.

  • Is this correct?

  • That can't be correct.

  • Can I use the washroom?

  • Can we go out?

  • How much is this?

  • It's not rocket science.

  • Let's hit the sack.

  • This cost an arm and a leg.

  • Good things come to those who wait.

  • We're walking on thin ice.

  • Can I take a rain check?

  • Come rain or shine.

  • She's on a wild goose chase.

  • How come we're still waiting?

  • What a comedian.

  • I'm on cloud nine.

  • It's raining cats and dogs.

  • The clothes make the main.

  • That it should come to this!

  • In action how like an angel!

  • I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.

  • He thinks too much.

  • Such men are dangerous.

Some military phrases:

  1. LOC

  2. CAS

  3. COMD

  4. INCL

  5. RECCE

  6. ACORN



  9. 2IC ··––– ·· –·–·

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • and ace 

  • went act  

  • taste true cite

  • trim treat cut

  • trek cent

  • ware acne

  • dare nice

  • tenant cant 

  • mind meal mice

  • real rice

  • deal dice

  • trend kind care

  • cow coat

  • land lace

  • email acid

  • dark deck detect

  • tract cement

  • hard since hence

  • intense inch

  • also echo

  • clan crime create 

  • trustee kill cell 

  • trash cash

  • coal cord 

  • grand grace 

  • linear ethnic

  • kernel call

  • class cruise

  • minimal glance


18. Add to this the letter 'p· – – · ("apps") and try receiving any of the following words:

up top put past plus upon despite

map pop pet cup spa tip hip cap pin hop pan gap par pen pad pot app opt rap pal pie tap pit rip lip sap pig lap dip pea cop sip pod
page help post part open shop plan park keep tips step port stop hope ship paid pass deep pool pack trip poor path skip palm pain pink pick drop camp clip tape spam cape kept spot pair peak plug poll pure loop push chip pull plot pump peer pipe pour lamp pine slip pill spin soap punk pace wrap crop soup pole pond ripe span poem pope grip polo snap swap trap rope dump pest poet epic ping pork pale pose cope pike
price group phone photo power place posts press print point April topic paper poker space parts cheap speed super prior sport input panel plant apple peace piece phase patch upper prime depth speak spent sleep spend shape sharp plate plain setup scope paint pilot split piano rapid pulse strip pearl opera plane proud apart graph pride pound corps spoke strap adopt spare pitch stamp maple depot stops sheep paste spell polar patio spice punch slope panic pasta spies upset purse spank spine scoop
people please report sports photos person groups period update Europe topics simple sample spring police option impact output repair campus parent couple accept appear poster pocket spirit script laptop speech portal postal import proper appeal happen planet copies recipe permit spread prince patent empire plasma upload temple purple prison escape aspect packet palace copper stupid repeat polish phrase powder gospel triple cooper carpet lookup parish coupon spoken depend spouse signup pepper weapon prompt spider pickup chapel praise parade meetup copied sprint optics pursue priest porter alpine shapes deeper patrol makeup potato pillow parcel pledge pierce pastor petite gossip impair pencil sphere picnic impose corpus unwrap poison
product support program special compare process options picture popular reports present percent chapter package printer capital airport purpose opinion protein partner parties desktop respect species patient perhaps replies apparel premium upgrade protect plastic produce pattern sponsor promote graphic concept speaker optical compact attempt respond portion replace adapter supreme episode prepare premier deposit operate capture captain postage applies promise partial receipt pioneer shopper pension worship passion podcast suppose pointer proceed dispute passage planner optimal suspect spatial compete implied prairie cheaper pendant compile eclipse protest diploma startup capitol replica precise replied surplus implies precede propose predict prepaid adaptor penguin reprint emperor triumph possess pursuit prophet phantom optimum cleanup compute
products computer personal complete programs password policies position purchase response practice supplies homepage multiple approach hospital politics pressure progress optional campaign separate workshop protocol proposal presence operator template supplier upcoming pregnant superior parallel pursuant adoption pleasure producer tropical pipeline platinum spectrum emphasis princess surprise reporter champion paradise petition opposite disposal pleasant township portrait receptor imperial upgrades apparent compound passport occupied composer compiler collapse particle snapshot periodic prospect shipment premiere parental postcard elephant prostate dispatch opponent sapphire springer temporal airplane shepherd prisoner
important companies president corporate political potential telephone operation transport component procedure personnel apartment permanent practical principal newspaper promotion represent paragraph parameter processor implement wallpaper spiritual landscape dependent applicant ownership principle municipal workplace placement pollution complaint precision reception passenger recipient departure photoshop spotlight composite desperate petroleum appliance companion porcelain happiness inspector sculpture appraisal compliant penalties graphical aerospace partition peninsula prominent duplicate pediatric competent champagne apparatus empirical hepatitis interpret therapist telescope reproduce spokesman
department production protection particular population properties enterprise permission compliance acceptance leadership comparison importance percentage specialist inspection completion correspond appearance parliament depression occupation atmosphere appreciate geographic suspension supplement opposition discipline priorities reputation photograph proportion separation possession respondent corruption transcript perception assumption impression pharmacies punishment headphones prediction politician programmer incomplete microphone complement widespread accomplish phenomenon dependence helicopter compromise peripheral persistent adaptation disappoint internship conceptual
description application corporation appropriate independent phentermine temperature competition partnership replacement marketplace preparation participate proceedings cooperation consumption operational appointment composition scholarship implication promotional compilation compression spectacular procurement participant therapeutic inspiration transparent incorporate sponsorship atmospheric proposition penetration disposition computation malpractice specialties demographic replication
applications relationship presentation prescription compensation championship independence reproduction occupational metropolitan photographer presidential photographic appreciation geographical entrepreneur supplemental practitioner departmental
opportunities participation sophisticated inappropriate transcription precipitation computational
pharmaceutical transportation implementation representation interpretation correspondence superintendent

Here are some more sentences:

  • Help!

  • Let's practice Morse code.

  • Please write it down.

  • Stop.

  • What's up, doc?

  • That's dirt cheap.

  • We can't complain.

  • Pardon me, I'm lost.

  • Can I open the window?

  • No pain, no gain.

  • Like two peas in a pod.

  • It's raining on his parade.

  • Actions speak louder than words.

  • The elephant in the room.

  • Let sleeping dogs lie.

  • Put it on ice.

  • A storm in a teacup.

  • That ship has sailed.

  • Shape up or ship out.

  • When it rains, it pours.

  • He's pulling her leg.

  • In apprehension how like a god!

  • Parting is such sweet sorrow.

  • Tempt not a desperate main.

  • See, how she leans on her cheek upon her hand!

  • Speak less than thou knowest.

  • The game is up.

  • Rounded with a little sleep.

  • I do now remember the poor creature.

Some military phrases:

  1. SP

  2. TP

  3. SUP

  4. WPN

  5. POSN

  6. APPT

  7. SPEC

  8. O GP


  10. SITREP

  11. LOC REP

  12. PTL OP O

  13. OP REP
  14. MOR REP

  16. CAS REP

  17. PRONTO


These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • wit pet

  • pit pea 

  • win pen

  • date tip 

  • oak opt

  • estate sap

  • sweet spa

  • lean lime rip

  • wire pine

  • anime pig 

  • wear par   

  • theme than dip deep

  • cute keep 

  • tenant cant kept

  • lead ripe

  • ring lap

  • pain petite

  • wind pal

  • king cap trap

  • song stop

  • road rope

  • pair paste

  • weld paid

  • speed spine

  • weird piece

  • print pasta

  • plan prime plate

  • ship sheep

  • slip sleep

  • spend spare

  • scope Europe

  • prison pension

  • composer composite


19. Add to this the letter 'b– · · · ("bean") and try receiving any of the following words:

be but been back best both about being below better behind beside because between beneath

web big bad bit bar bid bed bin bus bag bug lab pub tab rob bet ban hub bow cab tub bee bra bat
book club blue able bill bank base bush band born debt ball boat bear blow bath bird beat bass bell bike bond babe bowl boot beer bold bulk bang bone tube belt boss burn beam brad bull bomb bend bean bias bare boom grab cube bind buck bore lamb bite barn bald herb dumb bolt bent
books black board table beach basic brand album build cable brown built blood basis bring break block begin bible label began urban labor birth abuse brain bound broad doubt blank blind baker beast globe brass boost bread robot noble blade robin amber basin broke bunch turbo brush blend probe debug bingo blast brake bench bride begun blame brick cabin tribe batch booth breed thumb debut rebel scuba badge brook cubic climb bless bloom orbit bacon blink blond burst bored habit
number public member mobile browse become global submit double button budget bottom basket breast enable became branch bridge bought broken battle obtain bureau backup border debate labour unable bodies carbon bright banner stable bottle rubber brings combat abroad harbor broker bigger babies liable bidder bishop tablet breath herbal butter burden belong rabbit absent bubble bridal tribal rebate butler timber ribbon superb bullet bundle buried robust burner marble barrel ballot auburn breach ballet bumper brutal banana subtle bother
website members October problem lesbian browser balance brought brother billion bedroom trouble husband chamber bargain blogger liberal hobbies capable cabinet absence sublime publish acrobat builder tobacco combine habitat rainbow tribune tribute barrier Boolean disable durable algebra borough balloon garbage boulder broader ambient rebound blanket bracket
business December possible problems database remember abstract republic baseball portable eligible bookmark describe notebook bulletin suitable reliable diabetes bathroom absolute bringing handbook bachelor brochure bracelet abortion membrane baseline terrible cookbook plumbing bacteria basement horrible ensemble biblical beginner neighbor suburban tribunal asbestos assemble
September subscribe publisher paperback libraries batteries broadband webmaster establish printable broadcast substance attribute guestbook thumbnail bandwidth bookstore brilliant celebrate abilities breakdown bracelets renewable benchmark desirable bacterial paintball librarian snowboard
membership background applicable basketball compatible reasonable contribute submission biological accessible impossible subsection acceptable metabolism obligation subscriber incredible automobile substitute boundaries distribute comparable obituaries aboriginal remarkable ambassador charitable absorption antibodies
responsible publication combination unsubscribe sustainable substantial memorabilia distributor celebrities celebration liabilities biographies calibration contributor arbitration collectible
distribution subscription neighborhood contribution capabilities disabilities alphabetical considerable laboratories subcommittee troubleshoot subsidiaries
possibilities collaboration establishment bibliographic

Here are some more sentences:

  • I'll be back.

  • He's coming back later.

  • That smells bad.

  • Break a leg.

  • We're not able to commit to that right now.

  • I want to, but I'm unable to.

  • My apologies, but I can't make it.

  • Which book?

  • Can I lower/raise the blinds?

  • It's a blessing in disguise.

  • Let's not beat around the bush.

  • Bite the bullet.

  • We'll go back to the drawing board.

  • He missed the boat.

  • She's on the ball.

  • We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

  • The dog is barking up the wrong tree.

  • Breaking the ice.

  • Ignorance is bliss.

  • Killing two birds with one stone.

  • Once in a blue moon.

  • She spilled the beans.

  • The best thing since sliced bread.

  • A snowball's chance in hell.

  • He burnt his bridges.

  • Don't beat a dead horse.

  • It's a poor workman who blames his tools.

  • The pot calling the kettle black.

  • Cruel to be kind.

  • A blinking idiot.

  • Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

  • There is nothing either good or bad.

  • But thinking makes it so.

  • How noble in reason!

  • Doubt truth to be a liar.

  • I will speak daggers to her, but use none.

  • Blow, blow, thou winter wind!

  • Conscience is but a word that cowards use.

  • The world is grown so bad.

  • O! She doth teach the torches to burn bright.

  • A man can die but once.

  • Small thins make base men proud.

  • I'll not budge an inch.

  • Et tu, Brute!

  • But, as he was ambitious, I slew him.

  • Double, double toil and trouble.

  • But be the serpent under it.

  • Some are born great.

  • But with the mind.

Some military phrases:

  1. BR

  2. OBSN

  3. OBREP



These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • the die bee

  • test bet

  • nest diet bit

  • dim bat

  • knee tab

  • was web

  • then deer been bin bite

  • them that but beat

  • did bed

  • dean dig ban

  • thin beer

  • theme than dip deep big bean

  • dear bar

  • dead bad

  • three bus

  • bear bike

  • deal dice bend bare

  • bow boat

  • trade cab

  • thus bias

  • dial bind

  • death bath babe

  • thing being

  • dell breed

  • truth cube

  • grade grab

  • sight sunset habit

  • duck back

  • blast breast

  • bold bored

  • breath beneath

  • burden burner

  • black blanket


20. Add to this the letter 'f· · – · ("cafe") and try receiving any of the following words:

of if for off few far from left after before itself herself himself following

fun fee fat fan fit fig fed flu fog fur fin
free find info full life file form food gift four film self fast fact feel golf half fire face fine fund fall safe feed feet fish fair farm wife flat flow firm ford foot soft fuel fill fort felt flag font fail fear diff cafe folk lift fell roof gulf leaf wolf beef surf fame fake chef fold foam frog flip fork fool fist fate funk reef sofa fare deaf feat foul
first forum found staff field offer front final gifts often stuff force flash focus floor frame chief fresh faith draft false brief fight refer proof fruit forth shift craft fifth fiber fraud flood fault fluid theft knife shelf fewer fleet float flame endif fence fatal flesh shaft frost cliff swift focal flush defer forge awful flour safer
office forums friend offers future format figure effect follow female useful filter father former forest coffee effort flight factor define profit flower forgot faster finish famous relief fourth forget affect fiscal reform safari formal behalf finder folder fabric fetish fellow prefer buffer foster finger refund infant facial offset belief refine inform afraid fusion farmer floral fisher afford differ suffer refuse fallen finite defend defect defeat fleece tariff affair fought fridge fossil
profile friends further federal finance foreign feature perfect forward traffic fitness default surface officer benefit fiction helpful fashion freedom defense failure perform comfort reflect confirm offline formula buffalo welfare uniform defence florist funeral careful founder perfume fortune thereof freight offense unified seafood futures airfare footage fighter deficit fifteen painful flasher harmful refresh
software feedback specific official function transfer football families platform powerful forecast aircraft conflict wildlife franklin familiar lifetime firewall referral filename offshore footwear notified informal infrared fraction fabulous fountain infinite frontier peaceful softball grateful workflow
different financial reference furniture therefore interface beautiful difficult professor affiliate breakfast framework portfolio wonderful influence efficient afternoon formation fantastic infection configure forgotten franchise defendant refinance workforce fisheries inflation fragrance confusion nonprofit confident transform plaintiff nightlife freelance specifies amplifier fascinate sacrifice performer frontpage forbidden fireplace
conference facilities foundation definition difference successful scientific functional classified confidence affordable sufficient federation facilitate preference artificial profession friendship fellowship reflection identifier beneficial meaningful identifies girlfriend infectious afterwards simplified waterproof thereafter
information performance significant certificate enforcement comfortable fundamental furthermore manufacture battlefield affiliation fundraising magnificent
professional manufacturer satisfaction notification confirmation modification confidential significance differential interference refrigerator infringement
configuration certification specification informational
infrastructure identification classification transformation

Here are some more sentences:

  • Be careful.

  • From time to time.

  • Can we go for a walk?

  • Of course.

  • I feel good.

  • Please fill in this form.

  • It's not fair.

  • That's fine.

  • Is it far?

  • A bridge too far.

  • I'm looking for the front entrance.

  • Where do I find the buffet?

  • That's a piece of cake.

  • Turn left onto the sideroad.

  • Take the first road on the right.

  • Take the second road on the left.

  • Birds of a feather flock together.

  • Switch off the lights.

  • Don't let the cat out of the bag.

  • Forget about it.

  • It's getting out of hand.

  • She let him off the hook.

  • It's straight from the horse's mouth.

  • So far so good.

  • She's sitting on the fence.

  • A bolt from the blue.

  • The best of both worlds.

  • He got bent out of shape.

  • A perfect storm.

  • At the drop of a hat.

  • He's a chip off the old block.
  • Going down in flames.

  • Take it with a grain of salt.

  • There are bigger fish in the sea.
  • There's no such thing as a free lunch.

  • A snowball effect.

  • The calm before the storm.

  • Fit as a fiddle.
  • He's off his rocker.

  • Too much of a good thing.

  • Our flesh and blood.

  • He hath eaten me out of house and home.

  • A dish fit for the Gods.

  • Sterner stuff.

  • Foregone conclusion.

  • Short shrift.

  • A tower of strength.

  • What a piece of work is man.

  • The fool doth think he is wise.

  • But the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

  • Off with his head!

  • Wherefore art thou Romeo?

  • The thief doth fear each bush is an officer.

  • Of all base passions, fear is the most accursed.

  • A dish fit for the gods.

  • Men at some time are masters of their fates.

  • For Brutus is an honourable man.

  • Fair is foul, and foul is fair.

  • I bear a charmed life.

  • Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

  • Look like the innocent flower.

  • Out, out, brief candle!

  • Life's but a walking shadow.

  • Be not afraid of greatness.

  • We are such stuff as dreams are made on.

  • Men of few words are the best men.

  • And therefore is winged Cupid pained blind.

  • Nature teaches beasts to know their friends.

Some military phrases:

  1. FOL

  2. FMN

  3. FEBA



These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • its us fee

  • east fit feet

  • few feat

  • fan fate

  • fine feed

  • fun fig

  • said safe

  • feel fire

  • fur fear

  • flu fleet

  • risk lift

  • retain after

  • disk theft

  • element funk

  • threat defeat

  • flag flame

  • bell define

  • screen staff

  • flow float

  • direct defect

  • neither brief

  • future feature

  • fresh fetish

  • friend fleece

  • election fiction

  • flight freight


21. Add to this the letter 'y– · – – ("yell") and try receiving any of the following words:

by my you may any why yes your they only many yours always beyond myself nobody anyone anybody yourself anything somebody

day buy way gay say key pay yet try bay boy eye guy ray dry fly hey sky toy spy lay cry gym bye hay
year city type play body easy baby away stay copy army duty lady yeah tony holy gray grey busy tiny okay yard yoga clay ruby byte rely pray tray ugly deny myth yarn
today money reply study party story young daily style early entry apply happy ready maybe youth fully royal buyer sorry funny harry carry cycle layer empty array buddy delay truly newly Egypt hairy dirty spray mayor yield diary ebony booty enemy lucky candy worry glory rugby essay nylon rocky honey sandy sunny cyber relay angry daddy ferry rally dying dairy fancy unity lying hobby fifty handy berry nasty forty belly penny lyric lobby holly silly mercy puppy fairy merry derby yeast yacht bunny flyer teddy dryer funky scary alloy fatty badly daisy
system policy family county really memory energy safety player lyrics beauty Friday yellow agency Monday Sunday supply simply likely pretty theory weekly highly easily nearly lawyer nearby mostly poetry anyway symbol notify comedy hockey modify salary twenty python entity prayer mainly layout cloudy plenty fairly partly deputy legacy widely hybrid slowly comply cherry payday binary thirty canyon merely guilty solely monkey realty timely treaty hardly surely stylus rarely steady hourly deeply lonely hereby safely kidney mighty bailey rhythm chubby worthy cowboy freely remedy barely surrey floppy namely hungry granny employ yearly rotary deadly sticky lately gently colony myrtle asylum
company history country gallery library payment society already display usually holiday summary Tuesday primary century faculty ability battery finally economy monthly fantasy surgery keyword therapy clearly reality healthy physics crystal academy dynamic utility factory totally highway biology typical spyware symptom gateway mystery specify density liberty analyst anytime tiffany mercury pottery closely charity penalty younger rapidly lottery greatly largely underly payable railway anymore destroy stylish grocery locally ecology royalty laundry satisfy nursery elderly payroll bicycle thereby timothy shortly trinity harmony embassy custody anatomy clarity dietary naughty readily legally briefly roughly allergy acrylic geology destiny proudly obesity tragedy polymer hygiene poultry
security property category industry February analysis military actually Saturday Thursday friendly physical recently probably directly strategy capacity employee facility currency attorney identify warranty assembly priority ministry birthday slightly accuracy pharmacy identity employer anywhere glossary properly keyboard normally registry possibly strongly entirely ordinary syndrome minority literary boundary literacy commonly suddenly courtesy cemetery mobility formerly strictly analyses annually treasury ceremony synopsis contrary monetary unlikely forestry humidity playlist publicly Olympics geometry hydrogen humanity symphony cylinder theology catalyst antibody manually securely promptly playback sympathy
copyright community directory currently necessary Wednesday authority secretary emergency generally yesterday secondary certainly liability chemistry celebrity pregnancy biography specialty lifestyle territory temporary democracy physician accessory typically primarily carefully seriously stability regularly correctly geography integrity machinery basically statutory initially astronomy perfectly instantly naturally pantyhose hopefully genealogy similarly symposium testimony mandatory intensity syndicate synthesis mortality pathology butterfly maternity sociology synthetic partially literally telephony commodity arbitrary hierarchy precisely publicity specially gradually hydraulic prototype polyester accompany necessity presently legendary
technology employment especially dictionary completely laboratory originally philosophy psychology elementary efficiency regulatory disability absolutely bankruptcy definitely commentary apparently popularity motorcycle personally capability difficulty polyphonic ultimately constantly deployment separately physiology encryption repository reasonably analytical officially subsidiary physically accurately thoroughly systematic conspiracy hypothesis continuity stationery nationally psychiatry mysterious immunology
opportunity photography immediately possibility reliability necessarily electricity eligibility preliminary probability personality methodology potentially documentary hospitality syndication essentially accordingly proprietary respiratory uncertainty consultancy efficiently consistency differently importantly unnecessary temporarily continually beautifully terminology
particularly contemporary specifically encyclopedia successfully increasingly bibliography occasionally unemployment additionally spirituality periodically pharmacology consistently satisfactory anthropology continuously introductory disciplinary hypothetical dramatically transparency municipality sufficiently
automatically significantly accessibility unfortunately functionality compatibility psychological biotechnology substantially independently parliamentary complimentary
responsibility accountability simultaneously sustainability
confidentiality internationally

Here are some more sentences:

  • Can you translate this for me?

  • I ate already.

  • I can't hear you.

  • I don't want to bother you.

  • If you need help, please ask.

  • I'll pay.

  • Really?

  • Yes, really.

  • Please clean your room.

  • Don't worry, be happy.

  • No, thank you.

  • Not really.

  • Not recently.

  • See you later.

  • Thank you for your help.

  • The early bird gets the worm.

  • They'll be right back.

  • Would you take a message?

  • You're beautiful.

  • Where are you from?

  • I'm sorry.

  • Once bitten, twice shy.

  • Pull yourself together.

  • The ball is in your court.

  • Don't take it personally.

  • Could you direct me to the symphony?

  • May I ask for some help?

  • Are you from around here?

  • It's on your left.

  • You could say that again.

  • Maybe another time.

  • The whole nine yards.

  • It's all my fault.

  • Slow and steady wins the race.

  • You bit off more than you can chew.

  • Making a long story short.

  • We're calling it a day.

  • Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  • I'm so sorry for forgetting.

  • Your guess is as good as mine.

  • You must get it out of your system.

  • Get your act together.

  • By the skin of your teeth.

  • A penny for your thoughts.

  • We've got bigger fish to fry.

  • It's always darkest before the dawn.

  • Look before you leap.

  • Neither rhyme nor reason.

  • In my heart of hearts.

  • Something wicked this way comes.

  • The world is my oyster.

  • How infinite in faculty!

  • The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!

  • The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

  • In my mind's eye.

  • Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?

  • And all the men and women merely players.

  • My kingdom for a horse!

  • If you prick us, do we not bleed?

  • If you tickle us, do we not laugh?

  • If you poison us, do we not die?

  • Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

  • Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.

  • Let's kill all the lawyers.

  • Friends, Romans, countrymen.

  • Lend me your ears.

  • I come to bury Caesar.

  • Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look.

  • Cowards die many times before their deaths.

  • Yet do I fear they nature.

  • When the hurlyburly's done.

  • It is a tale told by an idiot.

  • Folly and ignorance.

  • Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Some military phrases:


These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • key try 

  • sky stay 

  • low enemy

  • dry deny

  • dawn byte

  • lady ready

  • study steady

  • format forty

  • below beauty

  • reply lately

  • rally rarely

  • buddy deeply

  • badly deadly

  • Thursday birthday

  • biology theology


22. Add to this the letter 'v· · · – ("void") and try receiving any of the following words:

have over very even ever gave every never above given whoever several everyone whatever whomever anybody whichever everybody ourselves themselves yourselves everything

via van vat eve
view love save live give five move vote void vice evil wave visa navy vary nova vast oven dive volt cave oval cove levy
video level visit value movie event drive cover river leave voice valid civil seven heavy serve avoid virus novel villa vinyl alive prove grove venue vital vista solve devil liver favor valve curve slave haven civic saver olive lover vocal fever rover naval verse ivory grave nerve wives viral drove vault brave
review travel server active volume silver advice survey valley device remove visual driver vision avenue native vendor virgin avatar heaven severe driven vector verify vacuum lovely versus proven invite victim arrive sleeve twelve canvas invest viewer govern victor divine soviet vessel beaver advise reveal trivia knives varied divide flavor eleven varies waiver velvet advert groove violin verbal savage virtue Viking
service privacy version private provide however archive average various receive overall believe improve develop vehicle virtual variety advance village prevent reserve evening revenue vintage preview achieve removal advisor deliver visitor massive poverty reverse forever voltage convert victory visible obvious arrival venture divorce diverse vitamin involve adverse violent resolve deviant recover approve harvest veteran invalid survive heavily nervous invoice observe seventh gravity vaccine revenge deserve evident passive vampire vanilla novelty
previous November delivery activity division evidence favorite overview positive vacation creative relevant coverage provider recovery movement approval variable behavior festival negative violence relative revision discover advisory investor universe province governor valuable aviation vertical evaluate everyday navigate receiver overseas survival whenever traveler reviewer moreover interval advocacy velocity observer preserve actively beverage medieval advocate overcome invasion overhead envelope civilian wherever carnival savannah perceive retrieve pavilion validity variance adaptive survivor dividend activist
available advertise effective universal developer adventure advantage interview provision evolution hardcover discovery inventory converter volunteer diversity sensitive valentine obviously violation overnight voluntary variation inclusive virtually intensive offensive directive antivirus microwave invention cognitive relevance incentive riverside vegetable boulevard valuation narrative livestock invisible vacancies elevation privilege deviation retrieval navigator salvation selective removable reservoir defensive detective varieties
university government activities individual investment navigation television evaluation respective automotive prevention convention previously conversion initiative relatively revolution innovation eventually innovative governance convenient collective supervisor attractive everywhere protective activation provincial advertiser impressive decorative validation veterinary invitation vocational vulnerable volleyball creativity behavioral visibility aggressive motivation providence productive vocabulary cumulative vegetarian vegetation housewives conviction revelation
development environment alternative improvement interactive competitive perspective reservation effectively anniversary legislative progressive involvement achievement observation convenience cooperative prospective comparative investigate supervision unavailable sensitivity screensaver subdivision consecutive informative convergence convertible advancement evanescence controversy

Here are some more sentences:

  • Be careful driving.

  • Everything is ready.

  • He's very annoying.

  • She's very famous.

  • Everyone knows it.

  • She likes it very much.

  • I have a headache.

  • I love you.

  • I've been waiting for two days.

  • Let's go have a look.

  • We're going to leave.

  • You have to call.

  • The devil is in the details.

  • I'll call you when I leave.

  • Please forgive me for being late.

  • You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

  • I shouldn't have waited.

  • Better late than never.

  • Speak of the devil.

  • Leave no stone unturned.

  • She's playing devil's advocate.

  • A penny saved is a penny earned.

  • Don't cry over split milk.

  • Saving for a rainy day.

  • Every cloud has a silver lining.

  • Live and learn.

  • Fortune favors the bold.

  • We have seen better days.

  • I have not slept one wink.

  • I will wear my heart upon my sleeve.

  • Brave new world.

  • This above all: to thine own self be true.

  • Brevity is the soul of wit.

  • Doubt that the sun doth move.

  • But never doubt I love.

  • For ever and a day.

  • But love is blind, and lovers cannot see.

  • And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

  • The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

  • I like not fair terms and a villain's mind.

  • As good luck would have it.

  • He will give the devil his due.

  • The better part of valour is discretion.

  • As he was valiant, I honor him.

  • Some achieve greatness.

  • Thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges.

Some military phrases:

  1. RV

  2. ORV

  3. SVC

  4. EVAC

  5. SURV

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • if eve

  • stem vat

  • state van

  • some vote

  • street vast

  • write waste wave

  • beef dive

  • green glen gave

  • toner move

  • hair have

  • sail evil

  • steal vice

  • self serve

  • refer leave

  • nasty navy

  • first invest

  • abuse wives

  • roster rover

  • bill devil

  • valid varied

  • rescue revenue

  • receive retrieve

  • relation aviation


23. Add to this the letter 'x– · · – ("text") and try receiving any of the following words:


box tax six max mix fix fox wax
next text exit exam axis taxi flux flex
index extra exist exact proxy latex sixth toxic relax pixel annex remix mixer oxide
expert expect sexual matrix luxury extent export expand deluxe excess syntax extend oxygen exotic exempt galaxy prefix excuse vertex
example express maximum exactly explore extreme complex context explain exhibit expense examine excerpt extract exclude anxiety mixture execute exhaust toolbox texture textile
exchange external exercise exposure appendix explorer flexible explicit exterior taxation textbook sexually
executive excellent extension exclusive extremely execution extensive expansion exception expensive expertise existence excessive exemption explosion sexuality exclusion
experience exhibition expression experiment excellence complexity transexual explicitly extraction expiration excitement relaxation
examination explanation expectation flexibility exploration expenditure exceptional exclusively approximate transsexual inexpensive
experiencing experimental
approximately extraordinary

Here are some more sentences:

  • Excellent.

  • Excuse me.

  • Can you explain that again?

  • Next time.

  • It's next to the toolbox.

  • Don't mess with Texas.

  • In form and moving how express and admirable!

  • Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.

  • They have their exits and their entrances.

  • True nobility is exempt from fear.

Some military phrases:


These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • cat text

  • suit six 

  • felt fix

  • rank extent

  • grain mixer

  • fruit flex

  • canal texture

  • remedies excess


24. Add to this the letter 'z– – · · ("Zhou") and try receiving any of the following words:

zip zoo Zen
size zone zoom zero buzz lazy zinc
crazy prize pizza plaza dozen ozone fuzzy
puzzle wizard bronze frozen hazard enzyme dozens freeze
citizen realize analyze bizarre horizon gazette utilize
magazine organize minimize maximize optimize
recognize customize hazardous organizer
horizontal specialize
citizenship utilization
organization optimization civilization characterize unauthorized

Here are some more sentences:

  • Do you have a larger size?

  • Don't apologize.

  • I must apologize for my mistake.

  • A dime a dozen.

  • There are clouds on the horizon.

  • The horizon of Khufu.

  • Life is full of hazards.

  • The city is abuzz.

  • These words are razors to my wounded heart.

Some military phrases:

  1. LZ

  2. DZ

There are no common words containing 'z' that have the same sequence of dots and dashes as another word.  


25. Add to this the letter 'j· – – – ("ijkl" or "edgy") and try receiving any of the following words:

job jay jet jam jar
just join June July java jack jump jazz jean jury joke jail junk jade
major enjoy joint judge jeans juice jewel
object injury junior jacket inkjet adjust jungle jaguar reject
January subject project journal jewelry justice journey justify
majority injuries judgment judicial juvenile junction adjacent
objective blackjack injection projector marijuana
adjustment adjustable projection journalism journalist subjective

Here are some more sentences:

  • Just one moment.

  • I really enjoyed my stay.

  • Don't give up your day job.

  • Adding insult to injury.

  • You can't judge a book by its cover.

  • Don't jump on the bandwagon.

  • In June and July.

  • It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

  • My salad days, when I was green in judgment.

  • Out of the jaws of death.

Some military phrases:

  1. OBJ

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • ago jam 

  • women joke

  • attack jack


26. Add to this the letter 'q– – · – ("Iqal'uit" or "plaque") and try receiving any of the following words:

quiz quit
quote quick quite equal queen query quiet quest squad queue quilt
unique square equity liquid cheque
quality request require quickly quarter antique inquiry queries quantum equally qualify acquire enquiry aquatic inquire bouquet
question quantity sequence adequate equation frequent equality boutique aquarium
questions equipment frequency technique quarterly equations inquiries quotation
frequently equivalent subsequent quantities earthquake
requirement acquisition consequence equilibrium frequencies
requirements headquarters subsequently consequently quantitative prerequisite
questionnaire qualification

Here are some more sentences:

  • Can I ask a question?

  • I quite understand.

  • Get to the back of the queue.

  • Quantum mechanics.

  • Are you qualified?

  • Are those equal in quality?

  • To be, or not to be: that is the question.

Some military phrases:

  1. REQ

  2. EQPT

  3. REQR

These sets of words have the same sequence of dots and dashes:

  • quite queen

  • maiden queue

Prosigns (e.g., SOS)

A few comments: Note that the distress signal · · · – – – · · · is actually a procedural sign or prosign to indicate distress, and it is not three separate letters, but rather nine dots and dashes. SOS (normally prosigns are overscored) is just an easy way of remembering it. Do not add spaces between the three letters; that is, do not send · · ·   – – –   · · ·. Other combinations could also represent the same distress signal: IAMIE, but SOS is much easier to remember.

Some useful prosigns include:

  SOS  distress      ···–––···

  ?    repeat        ··––··

  NIL  nothing heard –····–··

  HH   correction    ········

You can find other prosigns at Wikipedia.



There is Morse code for punctuation, so if you're interested, enjoy:

. stop it  ·-·-·-

  • Stop it, stop the sentence.

, plough   --··--

  • The comma looks like a plough (plow).

: pylons   ---···

  • The original Egyptian pylons were a pair of towers.

; dododo   -·-·-·

  • The correct use of the semi-colon is going the way of the dodo, Doh!.

? and how  ··--··

  • "and how?" is a question as is "so when?".

! to yell  -·-·-

  • Yelling requires an exclamation mark!

' rhythm   ·----·

  • Rhythm 'n' blues requires two apostrophes.

" a quote  ·-··-·

  • You require quotation marks around "a quote."

- barrel   -····-

  • The dash vaguely has the same shape as a barrel.

( hedge    -·--·

  • Parentheses separates text, a hedge separates land.

) hedged    -·--·-

  • Once the parenthesized text is finished, it is hedged.

/  knife    -··-·-

  • A "knife" is used to slash (/).

+  clubs    ·-·-·

  • The "+" symbol is vaguely similar to the "clubs" suit in a deck of cards.

=  level    -···--

  • Two things that have equal height are "level".

_  so flat  ··--·--

  • The underscore is so flat.

&  again    ·-···

  • "and again..."

@  at Cuba  ··-·-·

  • Where else would you like to be on holidays other than "at Cuba"? "at Fiji" also works, but we use "Cuba" above already for 'c'. 

$  richest  ···-··-

  • The "richest" are those with a lot of "$"



There is Morse code for the digits 1, 2, ..., 9, 0. The digits 1 through 5 have that many dots followed by enough dashes to make five signals, and the digits 6 through 0 have 1 through 5 dashes, and then enough extra dots to make five signals:

  1  apply  ·----

  2         ··---

  3         ···--

  4         ····-

  5  euros  ·····

  6  force  -····

  7         --···

  8  bytes  ---··

  9         ----·

  0  Egypt  -----

The only common English word for 1 is "apply". If you remember the phrase "apply force," this gives you mnemonics for 1 and 6. Humorously, a byte has 8 bits, and "bytes" is an appropriate mnemonic for 8. There are no common English words for 9, and the only word for 0 is "Egypt". The smallest denomination of European note is five "euros". None of these are really useful, except for perhaps maybe the phrase "apply force" to remind you that 1 is ·---- and 6 is -····.


Regular expressions

If you want to apply this in your own language, and you have a text file that contains many words in that language, you can use regular expressions to find appropriate words. For example, in German, we have

  a  ab

  b  Bier

  c  Café

  d  das

  e  e

  f  rufe

  g  gym

  h  hören

  i  in

  j  ijkl

  k  Kuh

  l  also

  m  MD

  n  Na

  o  ???

  p  ????

  q  ????

  r  ???

  s  sie

  t  T

  u  und

  v  veil

  w  w??

  x  ????

  y  ????

  z  Z???

These can be found with appropriate regular expressions. In English, in searching for 'b' and 'c', I used


In addition to many matches for 'b', this found "Cate" and "Cuba" for 'c'.

In German, one could add additional letters, so looking for 'b' and 'c', this would have us search for:



This found "Bier" for 'b', and if it was up to me, I'd use "beer" for 'b' in English, but this is supposed to be appropriate for people of all ages and all cultures.

A small observation

Given that I have examined over 10000 unique English words, one may wonder how it is that there are so few pairs or even triplets of words that have the same sequence of dots and dashes. I think the reasoning may be explained as follows: if you multiply the frequency at which letters appear in English by the number of dots or dashes in the Morse code, you get approximately 2.6. Thus, a five letter word will require approximately 13 dots and dashes. There are therefore 8192 different sequences of dots and dashes that form 13, but there are nowhere near as many five-letter English words. Looking at one file, there are fewer than 1000 common five-letter English words, so the likelihood of any two of these having the exact sequence is unlikely. This is something akin to the birthday problem: given that any one person has only one birthday in 365 days, how many people do you need to have a 50-50 chance that two people have the same birthday. We have a similar problem here, however, some of those 1000 words will also translate to 12 dots and dashes, and some to 14, and even fewer to 11 and 15, etc. I haven't done the mathematics, but it seems reasonable that some collisions should occur, but it is not going to be very common, which is what is demonstrated above: there are very few common words that have the same sequence of dots and dashes, differing only in the spacing.

Interestingly enough, this suggests that Morse code is definitely not very good for compression. :-)

Imagine the game: list six all words that can be expressed with this sequence of dots and dashes: –·····––·

What not to do...

Don't use a binary tree to try to decode Morse code. The human brain is not wired that way. That could be used to program an Arduino to translate Morse code, but that's it.

Do not try to find associations between different 2- and 3-mark morse code. It won't help you remember.

s ···

u ··–

w ·––

r ·–·

g ––·

o ––

k –·–

d ··

For example, knowing that w, k, g have a single dot, and d, r, u have a single dash, but so what? 

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